State of New Mexico’s State Historic Preservation Officer survey - provide your input
On May 12, 2021, the State of New Mexico’s State Historic Preservation Officer Jeff Pappas sent out a survey asking interested parties to provide their thoughts to “plan to identify current preservation challenges and successes.” Please find the letter below and a link to the survey below. Fill in the survey if you wish to provide feedback to this important state organization.
Dear Friend of Preservation:
I am asking you to get involved in the future of historic preservation in New Mexico. Every five years my office develops a state plan to identify current preservation challenges and successes. With your involvement, we will set goals through 2031 to guide preservationists working in New Mexico.
Part of the process is gathering as much public opinion as possible. This year we are encouraging participation through a survey that takes about 5 minutes to complete. We are asking our colleagues—preservation organizations and nonprofits, architects and archaeologists, firms, governments, state and national parks, Indian nations and Pueblos, consultants, students and university departments—to help us out.
If you could send the link to the online survey to people on your mailing list or post it on your website, or both, this would help us ensure the broad-based response we need to develop a preservation plan for New Mexico.
The survey is posted on the Historic Preservation Division’s website. The survey is available in English and en español.
We look forward to your involvement and encourage you to take the survey yourself.
Jeff Pappas
State Historic Preservation Officer