El Zaguán Video Series: Acequia de la Muralla - A Tour by Mayordomo B.C. Rimbeaux
The current health crisis forced us all to re-look at the way we do things in the everyday. Our celebrated Salon talks, here at El Zaguán, are an in-person casualty of the times. However,
Kyle Maier of Kamio Media and his Instagram focusing on the history of Canyon Road has volunteered his time and talents to capture some of what we had planned for 2020 in video. He and we have presented the Annual Garden Party & Members Meeting online, as well as a wonderful discussion by Tom Leech and Pat Musick about their collaboration on the Shakespeare project of calligraphy and marbled paper, an exhibition which was a sell-out of the works online through our website.
We had scheduled a Salon talk by B. C. Rimbeaux, mayordomo of the Acequia de la Muralla, one of the few remaining functional acequias in the city, and the second oldest of all acequias in Santa Fe, only to fall to health restrictions. Instead, we present here B. C. on site of the acequia this late summer, working the ditch and giving us an overall history of the importance of water to New Mexico culture and subsistence, as well as details of the past on the Acequia de la Muralla. Kyle has photographed the ditch and the process beautifully. We hope you enjoy this outdoors Salon presentation.
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